30 octubre 2012


Estoy tan orgullosa de Madi...siempre me soprende en como bien portada es...super inteligente y amable...la quiero tanto...

Here are some fun facts:

~She likes attention...take for example this comment: "uummm...why is everybody not lookin at me?"
~She loves to dance and play dress up (like a princess of course) more than anything in the world.  
~She really doesn't play with anything...all she ever wants to do is dress up...and do puzzles
~She is still REALLY OCD...one morning she said "mommy in the morning time I want you to put my covers all the way up and open the curtains side to side".  She is constantly picking up and cleaning up behind Kendall (or us)...to the point that we have to tell her to stop until we are done.
~Me: "Madison, won't it be fun when Kendall can say your name, like Madison or Sissy or Mah-Mah"?  Madison: "...or princess".  
~We had a little fender bender in the gas station parking lot a few weeks ago..just Madison and I in the car.  She WILL NOT let me live it down.  Every time I back up she says "look out mommy so you don't hit any cars".  
~She constantly is making up songs and singing everything...topics she likes to include in her songs? Friends, silly words, the fact that I had a fender bender
~Me: 'Madison what do you think you want santa to bring you this year?" Madison: "a sparkly tractor, a golden doc mcstuffins pretend clinic, a baby princess that looks like me and a purple camera"
~"Arm Cells - what some people wear on their wedding so your fingers won't get popped on a thorn"
~Crying hard core one night before bed...Me: "why are you crying?" M: "because daddy put too much money in my lady bug bank"
~Stalling before bed one night...called me in several times because it was too dark, or too many shadows, etc etc...The last time she said "even though Jesus is here, I'm still scared, is that ok?"...I caved on that one...
~She says the sweetest prayers lately...so innocent and straight from her heart
~She still LOVES school.  Her room looks into Kendall's room...the teachers say that whenever Kendall is upset they hold her up and Madison comes and talks to her and she calms down :) be still my heart
~She is still VERY intent on not getting in trouble.  We still find her in self inflicted time out every now and then...but for the most part, she would rather die than get in trouble...

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Pueden creer que tiene10.5 meses????  Aqui hay unas cosas (en ingles) que hace ahora...

~Cruising (walking holding onto things)
~Standing on her own for a few seconds at a time 
~Waving bye bye (and even said it once!) 
~Dice "dada" (por supuesto) 
~AVECES dice "mama"
~Come bien
~Drinks 5, 4oz bottles a day
~Dureme a las 7pm, despierta como las 3 o 4am...come y dureme otra vez a las 3 y despierta a las 6:30. 
~She has slept through the night (7pm-6am) a grand total of 3 times
~AMA AMA AMA su hermana
~Dice "Uh oh"...especially when she drops things on purpose
~Maybe my favorite thing...(shown in video below)...when she's about to do something she's not supposed to do (or as she's doing it) she shakes her head...hahaha...it's so funny...it never gets old.
~AMA AMA AMA su papa...she is way more of a daddy's girl than Madison ever was...
~Climber - we have a stage 4 climber, people...she climbs all over everything.  We never had to babyproof with Madison, but I'm guessing this go round will be different.
~Tiene 4 dientes con dos mas empezando


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01 octubre 2012

Fin de semana

Un fin de semana muy lleno!!!  Partido de futbol americano con Georgia Tech...dia especial en la iglesia, y cumpleanos del amor de mi vida...

Aqui puedes ver como gatea muy rapido, como dice "uh oh", y sus dientes :)

Mas que nada, Madison le gusto sus zapatos de 'oro'

Solo queria ver las porristas y buzz!


mejores amigas

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